


  • 展期

    日期:2010-08-25 ~ 2010-08-25

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  • 當造人造物成為一種微觀的基因複製學,當生化科學前進成為一種旁觀他人存在的幾何學,我們所綁縛宣稱的人本自決卻已悄悄地隱匿於數據與科技的輕盈流竄間。不具任何重量的存在著,過程與實存彼此化約,若即若離。以為無所限的意志持續強大,人類便積極持續對自己與環境進行科技化機械化的強佔性包圍、分類。我們究竟依循著什麼造做了這一切?所有可見的身體或動態,或隱或顯皆為人的轉貼;卻依舊,沒有人。只有消費。一次次對完美不朽或拒或迎的消費,人型一再替換更新模擬人類的兩望:拋向永恆而超越的存在姿態,同時焦慮於這無可掌握的新秩序終將抹去其當下存在的最微薄意義。究竟是什麼東西被續活了下來?而人類的自觀,始終缺席。

    Nowadays, The Creation has drifted away into genetic profiles, biochemical evolution left the human beings existence alone. What we are proud of as living like a man has slipped away and hide behind the high speed of technostructure and Data pool. Without any reality, who we are and how we live break into pieces, become hollow and weightless, and then vanish. We believe everything was just perfectly under our control, so we speed up. Intensively continuing to alienate ourselves to fit in this progressing machine-oriented world. Every machinery is made under the design of trying to look like a human being by copying the specific movements and facial expressions of a man, or in an even more perfect state. Yet, still it is a machine. What makes us believe we have the ability to play such a role to create things immortal and keep them alive?

    With no introspect of what have we done, we stay alive but not living a life. Pass actual experiences, real touches and irreplaceable moments by. The natures underneath became nothing but a display. Displays on the shows, we leave them aside and eventually erased them from our memories. In the end, nothing remains, only silence, absence and stateless.



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