【逐一 Stranding moment】2019堉泉個展

日期:2019-12-14 ~ 2020-01-18
FOMO 台北市大安區四維路76巷9號
想像者眼見,自然即想像本身。 生而為人,故能觀之。其眼成形,力隨興生。
—布雷克(William Blake)
展覽 Exhibition | 逐一 Stranding moment
開幕 Public Opening | 2019.12.14 (Sat.) 19:00-21:00
展期 Time | 2019.12.14 - 2020.01.18
地點 Venue | 台北市大安區四維路76巷9號
聯絡 Contact | 02-27066669
Yu Chuan, an accomplished artist at articulating the classical into contemporary artworks, mastering the amalgamation of water colour and acrylics. One would not be able to miss the strong charisma and unique and powerful brush stoke techniques displayed by his artworks. The series of “Stranding Moment” continues to exhibit characteristics of movement and colours. The irregular sizing of wooden blocks in itself is one eye catching feature. The arrangement of these rectangular and square blocks in the gallery transform into a ray of light. An invitation for the audience to pace along the exhibits which has been strategically displayed in both its space and its dimension, to bring about an unconventional approach to artwork appreciation. This also demonstrates the artist’s continual strive for breakthrough.
The “Standing Moment” series, compared to it’s predecessors, displays greater absence of colours. The power of black and white contrasts versus gradual shadings of black and white, and vibrant colours gorgeously presented with such fine details. Many has commented they see nature in Yu Chuan’s artworks, from dances of colours in the sky, to streaming water with markings on stones and moving lava, all encompassing a time factor. Whether it be a fleeting moment of arrays in the sky to thousands of years for the formation of mountains and gems. Compressing the time element into a limited space. The uniqueness of “Stranding Moment” is a challenge for the artist to showcase the boundless in the limited space with a width of 100mm. Due to such restraint, Yu Chuan must let go of his iconic powerful brush stroke technique. In the confined and narrow space, the composition and techniques are vastly different from before. Surprisingly, when the change is slowly won over by this new chemistry, a new meaning gradually rises.
In this series of creation, Yu Chuan abandoned his usual techniques and the use of brushes. Exerting all his effort in the deliverance of the chosen theme with the given constraints. Scaling down of colour tones, reduction in size of artwork, a more direct deliverance with a focus on tactility is achieved.
“Stranded Moment” through its deviation from the conventional approach, guides the artist to reveal his inner dialogue. Diminishing the need for conscious involvement. Yu Chuan puts forth the battle encountered infinitely by all beings.