


  • 展期

    日期:2020-02-08 ~ 2020-03-07

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 窗外白日像是瀑布般傾洩而下,房間內卻如洞穴中石室陰翳而靜謐,偶有一絲光線沿窗簾間隙而入,像是一條繩索,可以憑藉著指認黑暗中的物事。一輪黑色的太陽懸宕在天空之中,如此的一枚黑日並非因為受到遮蔽而產生日蝕的現象,而是它本身即是以深如黑洞的姿態兀自存在著,同時散發著耀眼的光芒。
    「黑太陽」一系列的作品是由三維電腦繪圖所繪製的靜態和動態影像。在三維電繪的作業軟體中,金屬、塑料、木材等各種自然與人造的材質被以貼近現實的方式模擬生成 : 玻璃的折射率是1.5,水則是1.33。光與影,重力,風等自然現象遵循著物理定律而運行。而時間,是一秒24個影格等價換算。在這異質的宇宙時空中,即使是一輪黑日仍舊可以照亮黑暗,存在於內心深處的脆弱、焦慮或是恐懼因而得以展現,並進而與之共處。關於身體,作為現實世界之中感官的載體,在此像是一則隱喻,一介化身或是一個原型,讓情感可以投射或依附。像是日本作家梶井基次郎筆下的主人翁,說故事的人和故事中的人互為表裡。故事中的人手握著一顆象徵著手榴彈的檸檬炸毀了一間書店,說故事的人也因而在現實獲得了拯救。
    在美國生活三年後搬回台灣,在異地時所產生種種文化上、心理上、時空上的斷裂感在回台後不僅沒有消失,反而在身後如同長出的芒刺一般更加顯著。或許也正因如此,得以跟世界保持著一種若即若離的關係,而在意義之海中慢慢找到一根浮木。藉由梶井文學中的雙重性作為一個楔子,從文學、電影以及藝術史中撿拾不同片段,並雜揉自身的生命經驗建構出一幕幕場景,「黑太陽」 晦暗的敘事同時可以是共有而私密的;虛構而真實的;親密而疏離的。

    The Black Sun
    Poyen Wang

    The sunlight outside of the windows falls down like a waterfall, while inside is
    shaded and quiet like a stone room in a cave. The ray of sun breaks in through a slit between curtains, almost like a rope, that can be used to recognize the things in the darkness. A black sun suspends in the sky. Such a black sun is not caused by an eclipse; instead, it exists the way it is like a deep black hole that also shines
    The Black Sun consists of a series of still and moving images made with 3D computer graphics. In the computer software, metal, plastic, wood and all kinds of natural and artificial materials are simulated in a way that mimics reality: the Index of Refraction of glass is 1.5, and of water is 1.33. Light and shadows, gravity and wind, natural phenomena are also governed by the law of physics. And Time is 24 frames a second. In this heterogeneous universe, even a black sun can illuminate the darkness. The vulnerability, anxiety and fear inside the deepest heart can be revealed and processed. As for the body, which is a platform for all sorts of sentiments in the physical world, here it is more like a metaphor, an avatar or an archetype, for the emotions to cling on or project onto. It is like the protagonist from Motojiro Kajii’s literature, the one who tells the story and the one in the story are the faces of the same person. The person in the story who holds a lemon symbolizing a grenade destroys a bookstore, which saves the person who tells the story in reality.
    After moving back to Taiwan from the United States where I lived for three years, the cultural, psychological and physical rupture of being in a foreign place doesn’t recede, but grows and becomes even more obvious. As a result, I am able to remain a certain distance from the outside world, and gradually find a log to hold onto in a sea of meanings. Utilizing the duality in Motojiro Kajii’s literature as a framework, and further collecting vignettes from cinema, literature and art history, I blend them with my own lived experience to construct various tableaux. The ambiguous narrative in The Black Sun is both universal and personal; fictional and authentic; intimate and detached.
    2020, 2/8~3/7

    2/8 15:00
    Opening & Guided Tour

    2/22 14:00-18:00
    Projection Mapping Workshop

    3/7 14:00
    Artist Talk
    Poyen Wang X Jhen-Kai Wang



    2017 紐約視覺藝術學校 電腦藝術碩士
    2015 國立台北藝術大學 新媒體藝術碩士


    2020 黑太陽,台北數位藝術中心,台灣台北
    2018 Reprise,十八街藝術中心,美國洛杉磯
    2018 An Obscure Silhouette,Flux Factory,美國紐約
    2016 薩烏達德,國立台灣美術館,台灣台中


    2018 隨身指南,台灣書院,美國洛杉磯


    2019 Elsewheres, Tributary Projects, 澳洲坎培拉
    2019 淬煉台灣臺灣當代藝術展, 橫濱市民藝廊,日本橫濱
    2019 超越實驗4,台北數位藝術中心,台灣台北
    2018 Made in Taiwan - 新人推薦特區,台北國際藝術博覽會,台灣台北
    2018 Anything!,Flux Factory,美國紐約
    2017 Open (C)all: Truth,BRIC,美國紐約
    2017 台北數位藝術節,松山文創園區,台灣台北
    2017 No Simple Highways,紐約視覺藝術學校Gramercy藝廊,美國紐約
    2017 新月球大飯店,濕地,台灣台北
    2017 全國美術獎,國立台灣美術館,台灣台中
    2017 Fluid Horizons,紐約視覺藝術學校Chelsea藝廊,美國紐約
    2017 再織,El Museo de Los Sures/QCC藝廊,美國紐約
    2016 Animation goes MSU!,札克瑞布當代藝術館,克羅埃西亞札克瑞布
    2016 Brokedown Palace,紐約視覺藝術學校Chelsea藝廊,美國紐約
    2016 光化門國際藝術節亞洲當代年輕藝術家獎,世宗文化會館,韓國首爾
    2015 Screengrab國際媒體藝術獎,Pinnacles藝廊,澳洲昆士蘭
    2015 全國美術獎,國立台灣美術館,台灣台中
    2015 巴西國際電子語言藝術節,FIESP文化中心,巴西聖保羅
    2015 你雙眼合上我滅亡,國立台灣美術館,台灣台中
    2015 亞洲數位藝術獎,福岡亞洲美術館,日本福岡
    2014 當代新媒體藝術祭,台北當代藝術館,台灣台北
    2014 超N - 作為一種超驗的實踐,府中十五,台灣新北
    2014 巴西國際電子語言藝術節,FIESP文化中心,巴西聖保羅
    2014 札幌國際藝術節,Chi-Ka-Ho,日本札幌
    2014 新媒體羅曼史,台北當代藝術館,台灣台北


    2017 Light Year 24: Passenger Moment,曼哈頓橋,美國紐約
    2016 Backup藝術節,德國威瑪
    2016 Proceso de Error國際實驗錄像節,智利瓦爾帕萊索
    2015 Backup藝術節,德國威瑪
    2015 古巴國際錄像藝術節,古巴
    2014 影舞之眼視域之外,深圳獨立動畫雙年展,中國深圳
    2014 Multivision國際動畫藝術節,俄羅斯聖彼得堡
    2014 CutOut Fest國際動畫數位藝術節,墨西哥克雷塔羅
    2014 Animatou國際動畫節,瑞士日內瓦
    2014 Videoholica國際錄像藝術節,保加利亞瓦爾納
    2014 藍休特短片電影節,德國藍休特


    2019 入選,台灣當代藝術家海外參訪計畫,天美藝術基金會,台灣
    2018 入選,Made in Taiwan - 新人推薦特區,文化部,台灣
    2018 選送文化相關人才出國駐村交流計畫獎助金,文化部,台灣
    2018 Artist in the Marketplace獎助金,布朗克斯美術館,美國紐約
    2017 新媒體藝術類金牌獎,全國美術獎,台灣
    2017 Paula Rhodes電腦藝術傑出畢業獎,紐約視覺藝術學校,美國紐約
    2016 入選,數位藝術創作案,國立台灣美術館,台灣
    2015 電腦藝術碩士獎學金,紐約視覺藝術學校,美國紐約
    2015 新媒體藝術類公費留學考試獎學金,教育部,台灣
    2015 入選,Screengrab國際媒體藝術獎,澳洲
    2015 新媒體藝術類入選,全國美術獎,台灣
    2014 動態影像類優勝,亞洲數位藝術獎,日本
    2014 音像藝術類創作贊助獎,世安文教基金會,台灣


    2019 竹圍工作室,台灣台北
    2018 十八街藝術中心,美國洛杉磯
    2018 Flux Factory,美國紐約


    2014 幻象,當代新媒體藝術祭,台北當代藝術館,台灣




    2018 隨身指南,台灣書院,美國洛杉磯

    Poyen Wang
    Born 1987, Taiwan

    2017 MFA Computer Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
    2015 MFA New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan

    2019 Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei, Taiwan
    2018 18th Street Arts Center, Santa Monica, CA, United States
    2018 Flux Factory, Queens, NY, United States

    Solo Exhibitions
    2020 The Black Sun, Taipei Digital Art Center, Taipei Taiwan
    2018 Reprise, 18th Street Arts Center, Santa Monica, CA, United States
    2018 An Obscure Silhouette, Flux Factory, Queens, NY, United States
    2016 Saudade, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

    Two-Person Exhibitions
    2018 Atlas Portal, Taiwan Academy, Los Angeles, CA, United States

    Group Exhibitions

    2019 Elsewheres, Tributary Projects, Canberra, Australia
    2019 Sai Ren Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Civic Art Gallery, Yokohama, Japan
    2019 Expanded Experimental Animation Festival IV, Taipei Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
    2018 Made in Taiwan - Young Artist Discovery, Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
    2018 Anything!, Flux Factory,Flux Factory, Queens, NY, United States
    2017 Open (C)all: Truth, BRIC, Brooklyn, NY, United States
    2017 Taipei Digital Art Festival: Conflux·Infinity, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
    2017 No Simple Highways, SVA Gramercy Gallery, New York, NY, United States
    2017 New Moon Hotel, Venue, Taipei, Taiwan
    2017 National Art Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
    2017 Fluid Horizons, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, NY, United States
    2017 Rewoven, El Museo de Los Sures/QCC Art Gallery, Brooklyn/Queens, NY, United States
    2016 Animation goes MSU!, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
    2016 Brokedown Palace, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, NY, United States
    2015 Screengrab International Media Arts Award, Pinnacles Gallery, Queensland, Australia
    2015 National Art Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
    2015 FILE: Electronic Language International Festival, FIESP Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil
    2015 Your Closed Eyes My Extinction, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
    2015 Asia Digital Art Award Exhibition, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
    2014 Contemporary New Media Arts Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
    2014 Trans N--As Practice of Transcendence, Fuzhong 15, New Taipei, Taiwan
    2014 FILE: Electronic Language International Festival, FIESP Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil
    2014 New Media Romance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

    2017 Light Year 24: Passenger Moment, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn, NY, United States
    2016 Backup Festival, Weimar, Germany
    2016 Proceso de Error International Festival of Experimental Video, Valparaíso, Chile
    2015 Backup Festival, Weimar, Germany
    2015 International Video Art Festival of Camagüey, Camagüey, Cuba
    2014 Vision and Beyond Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, Shenzhen, China
    2014 Multivision International Festival of Animation Arts, St.Petersburg, Russia
    2014 CutOut Fest International Animation Film and Digital Art Festival, Querétaro, México
    2014 Animatou International Animated Film Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
    2014 Videoholica International Video Art Festival, Varna, Bulgaria

    Awards, Grants, Fellowships
    2019 Selected, Taiwan Contemporary Artists Overseas Visit Program Fellowship, Tianmei Art Foundation, Taiwan
    2018 Selected, Made in Taiwan - Young Artist Discovery, Art Taipei, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
    2018 Artist-in-Residency Abroad Grant (18th Street Arts Center), Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
    2018 Artist in the Marketplace Fellowship, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx, NY, United States
    2017 Gold Medal Award in New Media Art, National Art Exhibition, Taiwan
    2017 Paula Rhodes Award, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, United States
    2016 Selected, Digital Art Creation Project, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
    2015 MFA Computer Art Award Grant, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, United States
    2015 Fellowship of Government Sponsorship for Overseas Study, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
    2015 Selected Award, Screengrab International Media Arts Award, Australia
    2015 Selected Award in New Media Art, National Art Exhibition, Taiwan
    2014 Excellence Award in Moving Images, Asia Digital Art Award, Japan
    2014 Artistic Creation Award in Sound and Image, S-An Cultural Foundation, Taiwan

    Talks, Panel discussions
    2019 Anxiety and desire in the face of digital mediation, Etat Forum, Taipei, Taiwan
    2018 Taiwan Academy, Los Angeles, CA, United States

    2019 Taiwan Academy: Poyen Wang, Kio Griffith, Artillery Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, United States
    2018 Atlas Portal at the Taiwan Academy: Two Artists In Between Worlds, LA Weekly, Los Angeles, CA, United States
    2018 Atlas Portal: Poyen Wang and Kio Griffith at the Taiwan Academy, Art and Cake, Los Angeles, CA, United States

    2014 Hallucination, Contemporary New Media Arts Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

    Public Collections
    Art Bank Taiwan, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan



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日期:2023-12-09 ~ 2024-01-28|台灣,台北市