Buddha of Past Present and Future
2019|壓克力彩、畫布 Acrylic on canvas
90x60 cm
Offered By

丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
It is said that many buddhas has come and gone till this time and many will still come in the future. But after every eon there comes a special time when there come a special Buddha due to the accomplished merit of all sentient being, and this Buddha is the present Buddha Shakyamuni we all know about and learn about.
As a person I am always intrigued with thoughts like death, suffering ... reincarnation , uncertainty and if there is a past life , relation to my present life and what about the future...I know there is no way to find the real answer but as a human being you can't stop but wonder all the time..people here say what ever you go through in this life is bacause of the karmic dept of your past life..all these thoughts and wonders inspire the past present and future Buddha...as all beings I hope and pray to gain the wisdom to understand these thoughts.