


  • 展期

    日期:2022-11-04 ~ 2022-12-30

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    林晏竹 Lin Yen Ju、翁琦雯 Wong Chi Weng、陳彥甫 Chen Yen Fu、戴向諶 Immanuel Dannenbring、芙蘿.威爾森 Flo Wilson、歐寶寶 Opal Beau、 楊博宇 Alois Yang

  • 世界,自古以來一直是思考的命題。從神話、宗教、哲學、科學等領域,無一不是試圖以各種方法詮釋我們身處的環境。似乎以為當解決「世界」的問題,就能理解對存在的疑問。不管是遠古神話、宗教抑或形上學的討論,似乎經常以為在現實之外,還有超越現實之所;我們甚至也能從宇宙觀測或數學的推導中一窺端倪。



    The world has long been a proposition for deep human reflection. From mythology and religion, through to philosophy and science, in the end such varying attempts all have aimed to make sense of that which surrounds us. It’s as though we believe that if the problem of “the world” were to be solved, then the troubling question of existence would somehow cease to exist. Whether in ancient mythology, religion or metaphysics, we often find assumptions that something exists beyond tangible reality; glimpses captured in everything from cosmological observation to mathematical derivation.

    However, today’s world appears far more diverse and hybrid, rendering this unresolved proposition ever more entangled: in other words, how can we rethink the world and its ontology in an age of digital technology? The development of computing technology itself can be regarded as presenting a unique opportunity. As all this data is re-encoded, a new three-dimensional system emerges, and, through display imaging technology, we finally find ourselves able to traverse this system from interface to interface. As a result, these digital objects seem to create new worlds, expanding the scope of our visible dimension.

    By opening up art and technology to one another, Beyond_the_world.obj aims to create a topological state of interplay with reality. Taking the three-dimensional objects and spaces depicted in data formats as its point of departure, it attempts to glimpse the origins, movements, affinities and differences in the artists’ imagination of what lies beyond reality, all within the self-contained ecosystem of the exhibition space. In doing so, this exhibition attempts to reexamine the ever present existential questions which seem to recur upon entering this new site of translation.

    《宇宙呼喚》系列聲響表演|Cosmic Call Sound Performance Series
    2022.11.04 Fri. 15:20 戴向諶 Immanuel Dannenbring
    2022.11.04 Fri. 16:10 芙蘿.威爾森 Flo Wilson
    2022.11.25 Fri. 17:00 歐寶寶 Opal Beau
    2022.12.16 Fri. 17:00 楊博宇 Alois Yang

    參展藝術家|林晏竹 Lin Yen Ju、翁琦雯 Wong Chi Weng、陳彥甫 Chen Yen Fu、戴向諶 Immanuel Dannenbring




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