【價值移動中—黃麟詠個展】Floating Values: Huang Lin-Yung Solo Exhibition
喜迎新年立春,大雋藝術很榮幸地邀請台灣當代藝術家黃麟詠舉辦2023年全新創作個展《價值移動中》,囊括數張突破歷年記錄的大尺幅作品,包羅驚人創作動能與鮮明個人語彙,除了採蒙太奇手法綜合自明性視覺符號,並靈活運用日常現實與新聞事件,緊扣當下時代,以諧擬方式呈現文化價值的嬗變,呈現不落俗套的有趣情節。 2月11日起至4月30日,邀請你齊來欣賞一幕幕意想不到的當代戲碼!
To celebrate Beginning of Spring 2023, Rich Art is honored to invite Taiwanese contemporary artist Huang Lin-Yung to present her new solo exhibition “Floating Values”. The series includes several large-format works that break Huang’s record of previous years, containing astonishing creative dynamics and clear personal statements. In addition to the use of montage of synthesize self-explanatory visual symbols, and the flexible approach of daily reality and news events, and the series closely follows the current times, expressing the transmutation of cultural values in a humorous way and presenting an interesting plot that is not clichéd. From February 11th to April 30th, Rich Art invites you to come and enjoy the unexpected spectacularly contemporary show!
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Floating Values: Huang Lin-Yung Solo Exhibition
❚❚ 開幕茶會暨藝術家導覽 Opening Reception + Artists Tour
2023/02/11 (六) 14:30
❚❚ 日期 Date|2023/02/11 (六) – 2023/04/30 (日)
❚❚ 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休)
❚❚ 地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 -