丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
【觀物 Observation】台灣當代水墨聯展 Taiwanese Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition

2024年度水墨專題展覽《觀物》,以臺灣青年水墨藝術家作為取樣,探討在水墨創作題材中對於「物」的理解與重組,五位藝術家各自以不同主題詮釋外在物像(Outside Object)與內在心像(Mental Image)的創作,聚焦於水墨、物與人類的內在聯繫。水墨作為亞洲千年的藝術傳統,演繹出複雜的感官想像、永恆與轉瞬的共感,藉由此次的展覽作品更能了解臺灣青年水墨藝術家所具備的獨特創作思考與精湛的水墨技法。
Since 2020, Tansbao has been focusing its exhibitions on contemporary Asian ink art, aligning it with the artistic vision of contemporary Himalayan art. With Taiwanese contemporary ink art as the foundation, Tansbao frames the discourse of Asian contemporary ink art through the concept of the “Neo-oriental Aesthetic Spirit.” Over recent years, Tansbao has represented a number of young Taiwanese ink artists who possess profound techniques in the tradition of ink painting and a deep cultural foundation.
The 2024 ink art thematic exhibition "Observation" features young Taiwanese ink artists to explore the perception and reconstruction of "objects" within the themes of ink art creation. Five artists interpret the creation of external objects (Outside Object) and internal images (Mental Image) with their distinct themes, focusing on the connection of ink painting, objects, and the human psyche.
As a millennia-old artistic tradition in Asia, the art of ink evokes complex sensory imaginations and the coexistence of eternity and transience. This exhibition allows for a deeper understanding of the unique creative thoughts and exquisite techniques of young Taiwanese ink artists.
▍《觀物》臺灣當代水墨聯展|Observation - Taiwanese Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition
▍Participating artists 參展藝術家:羅婕、柯驎晏、李依恬、蔡名璨、洪永欣
▍Opening Hours:12:00-18:00 (Sunday, Monday closed)
▍Venue:Tansbao Gallery
view all當代一畫廊
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