


  • 展期

    日期:2019-08-28 ~ 2019-09-29

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 論影像時代的水墨美學與創作─蘇煌盛的《空城之計》







    蘇煌盛在上述的三個提問中,非常難能可貴的都在他的作品中得以適當的回應。2016年的〈樹林 4〉或2017年的〈樹林5〉,前者長達754 cm,後者長達1309 cm。這兩件作品前者作於絹本,後者畫於紙本。光是長卷的尺寸就有十足的挑戰。他深知傳統的長卷大都用於表現山水(如黃公望的〈富春山居〉),但做為一位都會型態的年輕藝術家,山水的意象離他遙遠。因此,在這類的長卷作品中,他通常選擇以他所居住或熟悉的地方做為畫面中穿插的場景。又如,本次展覽的〈熱谷〉(2019),畫面中以一位手中拿煙的半身青年起首,透過煙霧裊繞做為場景的串連,然後帶出他日常生活所見的種種─公園裡帶刺的藤蔓和花木、流浪漢、流浪狗。乍看突兀粗線,不僅是他用來連結轉場的手段,同時也刻意製造出另一層的畫面空間深度感。




    On Ink Wash Aesthetics and Creation in an Era of Images – “Unspoken” by
    Su Huang-seung

    Wu Chao Ran
    Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University

    Chinese paintings have never ceased to be subject to the criticism that they
    could barely keep up with the times. This fact, however, has not distracted ink artists from self-reflecting or responding since the 20th century, e.g., the Fifth Moon and Eastern painting groups in Taiwan after WWII, “new literati paintings” in mainland China after the 1980s, and the more recently “new meticulous paintings.”

    For nearly a hundred years, the ink painters have been faced with a severe
    challenge, in particular, of how to deal with such a ponderous and gigantic
    tradition, and to respond to the trend of contemporary art in the West. If we really want to discuss ink paintings in the discourse system of contemporary art, in
    addition to a focus on “brushwork,” there should be contemporary dialogues and
    comments upon the language, content, form, color and overall composition of the
    paintings, as should other categories of paintings.

    Art history entered an era of images in the 1830s with the invention of
    photography technology. It has since exerted an influence on our feelings of
    color, way of preserving visual memories, and physical feelings towards
    audio-visual effects, and radically altered how human beings view and document the outer world.

    How does ink wash respond to this enormous visual change? It may well do
    nothing at all, and fall into a certain category of paintings that should be
    protected (by sticking to the principles and tradition). To young ink artists born
    into a digital and information age like Su, the impact of the era of images on their creations is simply inescapable. Many of them strive to initiate dialogues
    between ink wash and images in diverse ways.

    Images can document and preserve moments, and be edited. One of the exhibits in “Unspoken,” Boxing was inspired by Su’s experience of boxing practice. He not only portrayed speed with lines, but, above all, observed how he practiced
    boxing from a third person’s point of view through clips filmed by a friend. At the very beginning, he entered the scene himself as another viewer, and then
    became a participant in the boxing practice when the viewer glanced to the left. Such intervention and detachment of multiple characters (by viewing his own
    images)are his way of responding to linear narration of the traditional scrolls.

    Editability is another trait of digital imaging. Su, who uploads many of his drafts
    to iPad for revision later, mentioned that, “I revise the drafts on the computer
    screen through digital tools, which sometimes produced an unexpected (digital)
    brush stroke effect. I will imitate the effect in the original drafts.”

    We can see a wealth of new attempts and possibilities in his works on display in “Unspoken.” At only 32, he has extended the ink wash to the realm of
    contemporary art, bringing it into a profound and sincere dialogue with the
    current times.I am sure Su’s ink paintings will be something worth looking
    forward to. (abridged translation)



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【白雨Haku-U】林武史Hayashi Takeshi

日期:2023-04-15 ~ 2023-05-28|台灣,台北市