1957 出生於花蓮
1981 考上國立藝專
1984 國立藝專畢業
1987-1996 暫時封筆
1996-1999 重拾畫筆,成立莫名堂,發表<空間山水-石情畫意>
1999-2008 沈潛於花蓮的秀麗山河之間,醞釀創作靈感
2008/8 受邀於「花蓮松園」舉辦個展
2010/9 於台北「一票人票畫空間&畫庫」舉辦「異域水墨」個展
2011/10 於台北「一票人票畫空間&畫庫」舉辦「知情墨事-鄧卜君水墨」個展
2012/8 參加「北京國際藝術博覽會」展覽
2013/8 參加「北京國際藝術博覽會」展覽
2014/3 參加紐約蘇富比精選舉辦的『水墨:夢幻仙境』特展
2015/6 於台北采泥藝術舉辦「石間秀痕-鄧卜君」個展
2015/5 參加「北京國際藝術博覽會」展覽
2017/3 參加紐約蘇富比舉辦的「道殊 · 同尋於墨」聯展
2017/9 於台北采泥藝術舉辦「墨幻搖滾-鄧卜君」個展
2017/12 參加「香港水墨藝博INK ASIA」個展
2021/1 於台北采泥藝術舉辦《樸方異境一鄧卜君的水墨藝想》個展
Teng Pu-Chun was born in Taiwan in 1957. He graduated from National Taiwan Academy of Arts (now National Taiwan University of Arts). Because of his father’s profession, Teng often observed patterns of stones and structures of trees since childhood, which gave him the sensitivity to perceive hidden details in solid texture. Unyielding, sharp and mature at an early age, Teng considered academic education a part of the learning process rather than the goal. After graduation, he bid farewell to the art circle in Taipei and has built a joyful life in eastern Taiwan to enjoy unfettered freedom.
The artist has been creating ink paintings for a long time. However, he does not confine himself to the artistic traditions of the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties. His ink landscape that appropriates realistic scenes with multiple perspectives demonstrates his unique style and sets him apart from traditional ink art. Different from the elegance embodied by traditional literati painters, his work displays a sense of individual carefreeness; in particular, the unique technique of “rolled wrinkle strokes” created by himself has formed a unique vocabulary of modern magical ink painting. Teng’s work is created with refined and remarkable skills. Pure and delicate, his paintings demonstrate unexpected majesty. Although the artist mainly portrays natural scenes of mountains, waters and trees in an archaic atmosphere, his fantastical and illusory representation seems to transport viewers to a surreal, magical realm of contemporary landscape beyond what is seen by the naked eyes.
1957 Born in Hualien
1981 Accepted the National Academy of Arts
1984 Graduated from the National Academy of Arts.
1987 Gave up the brush, didn’t paint for almost ten years.
1996-1999 Rediscovered the brush, set up the Moming Hall, and published “Space Landscape – Painting for the Love of Rocks”
2008/8 Invited to hold a solo exhibition at the Pine Garden in Hualien.
2010/6 Participated in the group exhibition featuring ink paintings of curious
Stones, at Paiopiao Gallery, Taipei.
2010/9 Held the solo exhibition, Exotic Ink, at Paiopiao Gallery, Taipei.
2011/10 Held the solo exhibition, Understanding Ink: TENG Pu-Chun Ink
Exhibition, at Piaopiao Gallery, Taipei.
2012/8 Showcased by Hualien-based IP Art Gallery in Art Expo Beijing.
2013/8 Showcased by Taipei-based Boss Art Gallery in Art Expo Beijing.
2014/3 Participated in the group exhibition, Shuimo / Water Ink: Enchanted
Landscapes, organized by Sotheby's in New York.
2015/6 Held The Imprints Between the Rocks: TENG Pu-Chun Solo
Exhibition at Chini Gallery, Taipei.
2017/3 Participated in the group exhibition, Different Paths: Explorations in
Ink, organized by Sotheby's in New York.
2017/9 Held the solo exhibition, Rock the Dream, Spirit of Ink - TENG Pu-
Chun, at Chini Gallery, Taipei.
2021/1 Held the solo exhibition, A Simple yet Unusual Realm – TENG Pu-Chun’s Ink Fantasy, at Chini Gallery, Taipei.
【鄧卜君 現實】TENG Pu-Chun Reality ,采泥藝術 ,台北市 ,台灣
【藏諸名山 傳之其人】名山三十五週年大展 ,名山藝術 ,台北 ,台灣
【東岸·祝福】 ,乙皮畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【收藏的故事】藝非凡五週年特別企劃 ,Mezzo Art 藝非凡美術館 ,台南市 ,台灣
【墨契】李君毅 鄧卜君 現代水墨雙個展 ,名山藝術新竹館 ,新竹市 ,台灣
【墨契】李君毅 鄧卜君 現代水墨雙個展 ,名山藝術 ,新竹市 ,台灣
【水墨現場 Ink Now 】 ,采泥藝術 ,台灣 ,國際
【滾墨 · 圖誌】鄧卜君當代水墨展 ,名山藝術 ,台北市 ,台灣
【力場與變奏─水墨的跨文化性】策展│白適銘 ,采泥藝術 ,台南市 ,台灣
【香港水墨藝博 Ink Asia-鄧卜君個展 】展位B10 ,采泥藝術 ,國際
【「2017大內藝術節」2017 Taipei Art District Festival】 ,臺北市藝術產業學會 ,台北市 ,台灣
【墨幻搖滾─鄧卜君個展】 ,采泥藝術 ,台灣
【台北國際藝術博覽會】 ,ART TAIPEI 2015 ,台北市 ,台灣
【原野仙蹤】聯展 ,乙皮畫廊 ,花蓮縣 ,台灣