

川普美墨邊牆樣本將成紀念碑!? 藝術家們聯合譴責

川普Christoph Büchel豪瑟沃斯美國排外


美國總統川普在競選期間屢次提出將在美國與墨西哥之間豎立一座「萬里長牆」,總價330萬美元 (約新台幣9600萬元) 八座邊牆的原型於去年底出爐。冰島籍藝術家克里斯托夫•布切爾(Christoph Büchel)近日於美國白宮請願網站 (WE the PEOPLE ) 重啟將邊牆原型指定為國家紀念碑的請求活動 (Make the Border Wall Prototypes a National Monument)。與此同時,由20多位藝術家、教育家和策展人組成的團體簽署了一封譴責該活動的公開信
美墨邊牆原型。Courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection / Yesica Uvina。圖/MAGA提供
克里斯托夫•布切爾於去年12月底創立名為MAGA的非盈利組織,即川普競選口號「讓美國人再次偉大」(Make American Great Again, MAGA)的縮寫,認為邊牆原型「具有重要文化價值並且是歷史性的大地藝術」、「其代表意義將隨時間改變」並比擬為英國巨石陣。藝術家還組織了20美元的巡迴之旅,從聖地亞哥當代藝術博物館出發,並停留於墨西哥提華納市參觀邊牆原型。截至目前為止,在MAGA網站及上週剛恢復的白宮請願網站上,僅獲得近500份簽署。
左上起依序為編號1至4號邊牆原型,左下起依序為編號5至8號邊牆原型。Courtesy of MAGA / Bjarni Grimsson。圖/MAGA提供
邊牆高度使人無法攀越。Courtesy of MAGA / Bjarni Grimsson。圖/MAGA提供

對此,一封公開信發往各藝文機構,抵制邊牆原型被視為藝術的想法。「我們這些署名人想要大聲清楚地說出,任何有關排外主義和白人優越主義的計畫、工藝品,牆壁或建築,都不應該被藝術家或藝術機構推廣」。該信要求抵制推廣克里斯托夫•布切爾及MAGA網站的豪瑟沃斯畫廊 (Hauser&Wirth)和聖地亞哥當代藝術博物館,因為他們共謀「促進並促成一項由宣揚白人優越主義組織贊助的令人反感和暴力的計畫」。信中呼籲藝文工作者在豪瑟沃斯畫廊 (Hauser&Wirth)為促進法西斯主義道歉以前,拒絕為畫廊撰寫藝評和報導;拒絕為畫廊宣傳;拒絕參觀及光顧這些機構。這封信目前已獲得250多個署名響應。


'Is Donald Trump a conceptual artist? That’s the intriguing possibility put forth in an online petition that seeks to have the group of eight prototypes for Mr. Trump’s controversial Mexican border wall designated a national monument.' – Michael Walker, The New York Times. Link in bio for full story on Christoph Büchel's PROTOTYPES project. - Join the tour of the Border Wall Prototypes built for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico. - MAGA, a United States-based non-profit art organization initiated by Büchel, presents the major land art exhibition PROTOTYPES, consisting the eight border wall prototypes commissioned by the United States government and built as models for testing and evaluation. - According to the artist, as reported in The New York Times, 'MAGA endorses the concept that Americans, by electing Mr. Trump, allowed his obsessions to be given form that qualifies as an artistic statement.' - To register to attend a tour and for more information visit Border Wall Prototypes website. Tours will take place 31 January and 1 February 2018, and will depart from San Diego, California, USA to Tijuana, Mexico. - #PROTOTYPES #Tour #LandArt #Petition #ChristophBüchel 1. Border Wall Prototypes looking south towards Mexico 2. Officials and journalists inspect the prototypes just outside San Diego. Photo: Elliott Spagat/AP

Hauser & Wirth(@hauserwirth)分享的貼文 於 張貼

豪瑟沃斯畫廊IG及推特均替Christoph Büchel宣傳。圖/擷取自豪瑟沃斯畫廊IG。


【artnet】Art Provocateur Christoph Büchel Wants to Turn Trump`s Border Wall Models Into Land Art
【The New York Times】Is Donald Trump, Wall-Builder-in-Chief, a Conceptual Artist?
【The Art Newspaper】Sold out: tours organised by Christoph Büchel of Trump`s border wall prototypes prove very popular
【The Art Newspaper】Christoph Büchel relaunches petition to turn Trump`s wall prototypes into a national monument

川普Christoph Büchel豪瑟沃斯美國排外









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