



絕對空間黛安・謝里Diane Chéry藝術進駐

2024-08-19|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理

【展覽內容簡述 Statement】





感謝絕對空間藝術進駐提供這次機會,也感謝來自巴黎的Espace Temps空間的支持。


At the end of my first day in Tainan, I had a walk around the West Central District area. I had the feeling of finally having arrived in this unknown new country when I took the path that led me to Yaoweng Temple. The streets were surrounded by so many lanterns everywhere, lightning up different colors and inions. I felt it would be a beautiful object to paint on.

I decided to create an installation where the painting could fall in place on this new material.

Enlightenment is the name of this installation and of the exhibition. It refers to the light that illuminates the lanterns and also to the spiritual state of awakening. Taïnan being circumscribed by such a spiritual atmosphere and so many temples, it allowed me to reconnect with the invisible flow of life.

An art-residency is a precious time to experience loneliness. A time to dialogue within myself through painting as a discipline to experience the joy of being connected to here and now. As a spiritual practice, painting offers the experience to light ourselves up, to travel into different places and to follow what needs to come out.

My lanterns are welcoming abstract paintings : a routine to let the movement run out of the body, the process is to free my mind of the idea of a result to be only connected to the gesture and direction led by my intuition. I like to work on several paintings at the same time, to navigate them in several temporalities, then I give each of them finishing touches, as a jewelry adorned by last details and small shapes.

Enlightenment is an exhibition where the painting goes out of the canvas all over the walls of the gallery to bring an immersive experience to the audience being surrounded by shapes and colors. The gallery is thought of as a temple of visual journey. An intimate place of reflection of my inner travel in parallel to the travel I have made in this new land. Some paintings are the same size as postcards, they are inspired by some I have written. Paintings on the wall are inspired by landscapes, images and Chinese characters I have seen or learned here. Abstraction and realism are finding balance together as an inner and external travel.

Lanterns have been performed outside of the exhibition place, from the gallery to the city, to manifest a journey of the exhibition and the paintings moving in the streets, as a ceremony of this new temple : Summon, dance, carnival of art.

Thank you both to Absolute Space AIR for this great opportunity and to Espace Temps from Paris for their support.

【此次邀請法國藝術家Diane Chéry進駐台南,絕對空間藝術進駐需特別感謝法國巴黎藝術空間Espace Temps及負責人Joseph Cui的一切協助。】

【It is an honor to welcome French artist Diane Chéry for a residency in Tainan. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Espace Temps in Paris, France, and its director Joseph Cui for their generous assistance.】


【黛安・謝里 Diane Chéry】

1993年出生於法國敘雷訥,是一位現居巴黎的藝術家。她於2020年在巴黎國立高等美術學院(École National Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris)獲得了碩、學士學位,也在高等萊茵藝術學院(Haute École des Arts du Rhin)獲得了碩士和學士學位。2019年,她參加了東京藝術大學(GEIDAI)的交流項目,並在芝加哥藝術學院學習。

她曾參加過國際和國內的群展,包括:巴黎藝術博覽會(Art Paris Artfair)、Poush、薩賓・貝亞斯利畫廊(Sabine Bayasli Gallery)、歐仁・德拉克洛瓦博物館(Eugène Delacroix Museum)、巴黎愛樂音樂廳(Philharmonie de Paris)、Hangar Y、青年創作節(Jeune Création Festival)、Le19M畫廊、Espace Temps畫廊以及位於加蓬利伯維爾的法國大使館。

2024年,她的作品獲得了FoRTE Grant獎項提名。


Diane Chéry2020年以身體結合繪畫的裝置作品,《再現》(Apparaitre-encore),攝影:EUGENIETOUZE。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

Diane Chéry 2022年作品,《在眼瞼之下》(Souslespaupières)圖片版權©_EugénieTouzé。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

Diane Chéry2024年展覽作品:《一個沉沒的島嶼》(une-île-où-faire-naufrage),圖檔版權 ©eugenietouze。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

Diane Chéry (1993) born in Suresnes, France, is an artist based in Paris. She received an MFA and BA from École National Supérieure des Beaux- Arts de Paris in 2020, and an MFA and BA from Haute École des Arts du Rhin. She did an exchange program at GEIDAI (Tokyo) and studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2019.

She has participated in both international and national group exhibitions at: (FR) Art Paris Artfair, Poush, Sabine Bayasli Gallery, Eugène Delacroix Museum, Philharmonie de Paris, Hangar Y, Jeune Création Festival, Le19M Gallery, Espace Temps Gallery, and the French Embassy of Gabon, Libreville (GA). In 2024, her work has been nominated for awards at FoRTE Grant.

In 2024, her work has been nominated for awards at FoRTE Grant. 

In between visual arts, textiles and performative arts, Diane Chéry creates a world where paintings become alives. From invisible to visible, transformations and appearances, her performances leads the audience through a contemplative experience, an awakening state of colors.



黛安・謝里Diane Chéry「開悟Enlightenment」展覽海報。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

【開悟Enlightenment】黛安・謝里 進駐成果開幕暨座談 A Presentation by Diane Chéry
✧ 展期 Exhibition Date|2024.8.17-8.30
✧ 開幕 Opening|2024.8.18 (Sun)15:30-16:00
✧ 開幕座談 Forum|2024.8.18 (Sun)16:00-17:30
✧ 藝術家 Artist|黛安・謝里 Diane Chéry
✧ 與談人Panelist | 李婷歡 Li, Ting-Huan
✧ 地點 Venue|三和進駐基地SanHo Art Lab
✧ 地址 Address|臺南市南區三和街14號 No. 14, Sanhe St., South Dist., Tainan City
✧ 開放時間 Opening Hours|週三至週日Wed to Sun 12:00-18:00
✧ 【舞動燈籠Dancing Lanterns 】工作坊Workshop|2024.8.24 (Sat) 14:30-17:30
☞ 報名表單Registration:https://forms.gle/1yokHeuep4oAhoDXA
主辦單位 Organizer:絕對空間藝術進駐 Absolute Space AIR
合作推薦單位 Recommending Unit:Espace Temps Art Space
指導單位 Advisor:文化部 Ministry of Culture
*The event will be conducted in English and Mandarin.

絕對空間黛安・謝里Diane Chéry藝術進駐









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2024-07-28|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理3525