



絕對空間久住繪里香藝術進駐Erika Kusumi

2024-10-16|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理










受到「太陽龐克」(Solarpunk)這一體現自然與科技共生的科幻類型的啟發,我創作了兩件名為《城市 22》的作品。這些作品結合了人類與自然共存的理想未來,與台南充滿活力、美好日常的景象,展現了多元文化的融合。「22」這個數字代表了台南的緯度,也與我之前創作的《城市 946》相呼應。




Today, with the spread of digital devices such as smartphones, photography has become a familiar medium, allowing us to easily record our daily lives. While photographs act as external memory devices for many people, photography continues to expand its role as a medium for self-expression. However, no matter how much technology advances, a single photograph is nothing more than a record of a moment in the continuity of time.

倏忽之城Fleeting City,噴墨輸出、壓克力裝裱,W1030mm×H728mm,2024。圖片版權©Erika Kusumi。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

 I attempt to extend photographic elements using collage techniques, superimposing photographs of different times and various spaces to expand senses of time and space that cannot be expressed in a single photograph, and by not using elements other than photographs. Further, this form of expression—which ignores the laws of physics that cannot be photographed in reality—draws from the ideas of a Surrealist manifesto written by André Breton (1896-1966). Using photography as a medium that records reality, Surrealism—a form of expression that many artists have engaged with through painting—can become more familiar in today’s world, where photography is easily enjoyed.

高樓中的微塵 Speck in Skyscraper,噴墨輸出、壓克力裝裱, W728mm×H1030mm,2024。圖片版權©Erika Kusumi。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

In his Surrealist manifesto, Breton states his intention to liberate human beings by expressing the subconscious world of dreams and illusions, rather than a real world ruled by reason.

餐桌、追憶 Table, Reminiscence,噴墨輸出、裱貼於面板,W300mm×H300mm, 2024。圖片版權©Erika Kusumi。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

By reconstructing a real landscape that anyone can see with their eyes, I create an expression that, while unrealistic, suggests a world that may exist as an extension of everyday life. In doing so, I hope my work will liberate those living in the present.

【久住繪里香 Erika Kusumi】


Born in 1982, she presently lives and works in Sapporo, Hokkaido. She is a freelance photographer, web designer and also an artist. Her works function as memories of the “reality” experienced. By overlaying pictures from different times and spaces, her works are digitally processed. Her works are classified as digital collages, made solely from the photographs she has taken. Selected Important exhibitions include: “We are made of Layers”GALLERY MoNMA, Hokkaido, “Travel of Dawn” GALLERY SCENA, Tokyo, “Through the eyes of Hokkaido Artists” Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan, “2+2 Hokkaido-Gwangju Art Exchange Exhibition 2019” Phase 1, Gallery Retara, Hokkaido.


【李旭彬 Lee, Hsu-Pin】



A native of Tainan, Taiwan, Lee Hsu-Pin still resides in his hometown today. A working artist and curator. Lee has exhibited at international photography festivals and museums since 2000. In 2010, he received a National Culture and Arts Foundation creative project grant for his 2010 Disastrous Landscapes work, exhibiting the resulting work – now housed in the collection of the Gruppe Deutsche Börse Photographic Foundation – at the 2016 Taipei Biennial and 2017 Photo Paris.

​Lee Hsu-Pin takes a highly introspective approach, unfolding narratives alternately with images and words as annotations. He uses distant scenic landscapes to emulate classical photography, or the landscape documentary images of early anonymous photographers; he matches classical photographic forms with today’s photographic climate, deliberately sizing the works, so as to subtly demand that viewers stop in their tracks to “carefully inspect at the scene,” and to conduct careful readings of the images. The tranquil quality of the works leads viewers to re-think the visual experience of classic landscape photography; taking in scenes with no apparent narrative, easily feeling the delicate traces of the earth’s changes over time.



Erika Kusumi「溫故知新Learning from the Past to Create the Future」展覽海報。圖/絕對空間藝術進駐提供

久住繪里香【溫故知新Learning from the Past to Create the Future】
進駐成果開幕暨座談 A Presentation by Erika Kusumi
✧ 展期 Exhibition Date|2024.10.12-10.27
✧ 開幕 Opening|2024.10.12(Sat)15:30-16:00
✧ 座談 Forum|2024. 10.12(Sat)16:00-17:30
✧ 藝術家 Artist|久住繪里香 Erika Kusumi
✧ 與談人Panelist | 李旭彬 Lee, Hsu-Pin
✧ 地點 Venue|三和進駐基地SanHo Art Lab
✧ 地址 Address|臺南市南區三和街14號 No. 14, Sanhe St., South Dist., Tainan City
✧ 開放時間 Opening Hours|週三至週日Wed to Sun 12:00-18:00
✧ 探索日常中的非日常:攝影工作坊Exploring the Extraordinary in the Everyday Life: A Photography Workshop|2024.9.28 (Sat) 14:30-17:30
主辦單位 Organizer:絕對空間藝術進駐 Absolute Space AIR
合作推薦單位 Recommending Unit:札幌天神山藝術工作室 Sapporo TenjinyamaArt Studio
指導單位 Advisor:文化部 Ministry of Culture
作品裱框:聯鴻框藝 Liang Horng Art Frame
*The event will be conducted in Japanese and Mandarin.

絕對空間久住繪里香藝術進駐Erika Kusumi









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2024-07-28|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理3629




2024-10-16|撰文者:台北市文化局 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理137