絕對空間藝術進駐推出2024年藝術家駐地計劃:「喚神!起舞!狂歡!」並展出由Fyerool Darma以「核心記憶:聖淘沙COREMEMORY: §ænt💥§hæaa~” [shan-to-sha-aa~]」的進駐成果。
什麼是數據製圖(data mapping)?在此過程,當以關鍵詞作為提示時,哪些文獻會被發掘、識別或忽略?當像畫廊這樣的展示空間被當成一種領域時,藝術、科技、科學和社會受到哪些限制?所有這些都發生在慶祝一座城市四百週年之際,這個城市與其他地方在經濟、文化以及對未來的預測方面是平行、相關且一致的。在這樣的地圖中,讀者,也就是展覽觀眾,從文獻的截圖、封面、表層或界面中能感知到哪些推論?
此展覽的標題源於菲耶羅與一件上面印著「聖淘沙研究部」(Santosha Research Dept.)T 恤的偶然相遇。這次的偶然演變成了一個延續的探索,一個遲來的但卻質疑知識體系、核心記憶、虛構以及纠缠在資訊雲與人工智慧中想像力的延續性練習。
展覽包括一本藝術家在台南期間書寫的小書。這本書包含了Darius Ou的文字動畫,以及來自Web 2.0的文本檔案,這些檔案被擴展並轉化為牆面裝飾。其編排挖掘了一系列環繞於關鍵詞「馬來-坡利尼西亞」(malayo-polynesian)的相關散文、論文、新聞——這些文件與Anu(或艾瑞克・弗勞爾Eric Flower)相關的生產物,被合成為一個多種物種、無形的存在、一個無名之人、一位朋友,他的聲音在網路、電腦和核心記憶的檔案庫間穿越,激發了這本書的創作。
這次展覽致力於一首詩,同時也探討了上述問題,這些問題涉及大數據、開放取用(open access)、無形事物以及藝術、科學、技術和社會之間想像限制的交錯。反過來,它質疑了在世界的複雜性中存在和生存的慶祝時刻。
藝術家謹此向逸民、妍伊、澤霆、佳璇、盈婷及Sally表達謝意。此外,他也要感謝Wardah,謝謝她在遠方照顧著 Dahlia、Pipi,以及他的大家庭。感謝同儕Jonathan tan 與Brandon Tay 的支持和回響,另外也要感謝RN在遠方的閱讀與照顧,以及CikguG$提供的必要渲染。
在撰寫本文時,菲耶羅・達爾瑪是一個名字,代表著一位藝術家、作家、父親、兒子和一位接受過繪畫訓練的學習者。他與Wardah、Dahlia和一隻陸龜Pipi一起生活和工作在新加坡。與其相關的計畫和展覽包括《地景》(L_nd$c_pe$)、《Pantun/Pantoum的詩學》(L_nd$c_pe$, Poietics of Pantun/Pantoum…)和《尋路者》(Pathf!nd3r)。菲耶羅曾參與並展出其計畫的地點包括:新加坡、首爾(南韓)、清邁(泰國)、紐約(美國)、澳大利亞、巴黎(法國)、拉各斯(尼日利亞)、倫敦(英國)、台南市(台灣),很快還將參加聖保羅(巴西)的活動。
【核心記憶:聖淘沙 CORE MEMORY: §ænt❤️🔥§hæaa~】
✧ 開幕 Opening|2024.5.25 (Sat.)15:30-17:30
✧ 與談人Panelists | 龔卓軍 GONG, Jow-Jiun(國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所副教授 Associate Professor, Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of Arts)
✧ 展期 Exhibition Date|2024.5.25-2024.6.9
✧ 開放時間 Opening Hours|週三至週日Wed. to Sun. 12:00-18:00
✧ 地點 Venue|三和進駐基地SanHo Art Lab
✧ 地址 Address|臺南市南區三和街14號 No. 14, Sanhe St., South Dist., Tainan City
✧ 拼貼工作坊 Collage Making Workshop|2024.6.1(Sat.)15:30-17:30 (上限10人,6-99歲皆可參與 Maximum of 10 participants, ages 6 to 99 are welcome to join)
★ 報名表單:https://forms.gle/FgJ5Pdg1PNS9UPG17
>>>在工作坊中,Fyerool 將與來自台南印刷廠贈送的紙張裁剪印刷品分享拼貼製作
>>>In the workshop, Fyerool would share collage making on paper with offcut printouts gifted from printers in Tainan.
主辦單位 Organizer:絕對空間藝術進駐 Absolute Space AIR
指導單位 Advisor:文化部 Ministry of Culture
特別感謝 Special Thanks:旻欣網版印刷有限公司MinXin Screen Printing Co., Ltd.
|CORE MEMORY: §ænt❤️🔥§hæaa~|
A presentation by Fyerool Darma
Absolute Space AIR is proud to present its inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program 2024: 'Summon! Dance! Carnival!' with a presentation of a research conducted by Fyerool Darma titled ‘COREMEMORY: §ænt💥§hæaa~’ [shan-to-sha-aa~].
What is data mapping? What are the literatures that would be data-mined and recognised or ignored in such an exercise when prompted with a keyword? What limitations of art, technology, science, and society could one draw then when spaces of display like the gallery are employed as a domain, all this amidst the celebration of a quadricentennial of a city that are in parallel, in relation, and in consonant economy, culture and its forecastings of futurity alongside elsewhere? What derivations would the reader, here the exhibition viewer perceive just from the screenshots, covers, surfaces or interfaces of literatures amidst this map?
The title of the project derives from Fyerool's 'random encounter' with a t-shirt reading “Santosha Research Dept.” at Dadong Night Market in Tainan. This chance encounter becomes an extended exercise, one that is belated, yet one that interrogates structures of epistemology, core memory, fabulation, and an imagination that is entangled in the cloud of computation and Artificial Intelligence.
The presentation includes a book written by the artist during his time in Tainan. Alongside a text animation by Darius Ou, interspersed with textual archives from web 2.0 that are extended here, and translated into wall coverings. This choreography mines a nucleus of essays, articles, news - literature that are intertwined with the keyword 'malayo-polynesian,' in parallel with artefacts related to 'Anu’ (or Eric Flower?), whose contributions synthesised into a multiple-species, a formless being, a nobody, a friend, whose acoustics reverb beyond the archival vaults of the internet, the computer and core memory, inspired the book.
The presentation is a dedication to a poem, in as much a it too interrogates the enquiries above that are entanglements of big data, the open access, the intangible, and the limitations of imaginative limits of the relationship between art, science, technology, and society. In turn, questioning celebratory moments of being and existence within the complexities of the world.
The artist wishes to extend his gratitude to Yi-Min, Yen-Yi, Tze-Ting, Chia-Hsuan, Yi-Ting and Sally. Additionally to Wardah, for nurturing Dahlia and Pipi amidst his distance, and his extended family. to jonathan tan and Brandon Tay for the peer support and the reverb, additionally to RN for the reading and care in distance and CikguG$ for the necessary renders.
【Fyerool Darma Biography】
At the time of this writing, Fyerool Darma is a name to be attributed as a marker for an artist, a writer, a father, a son, and a learner who was trained in painting. he continues to live and work in Singapore with Wardah, Dahlia and a testudine, Pipi. Projects and presentations attributed to this name includes L_nd$c_pe$, Poietics of Pantun/Pantoum…, and Pathf!nd3r. Fyerool has participated and presented his projects in Singapore, Seoul (South Korea), Chiang Mai (Thailand), New York (USA), (Australia), Paris (France), Lagos (Nigeria), London (United Kingdom), Tainan City (Taiwan) and soon Sao Paolo (Brazil).
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2024-08-19|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理4339
2024-07-28|撰文者:絕對空間 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理3816
2025-01-15|撰文者:臺南市政府文化局 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理 210
2025-01-15|撰文者:臺南市政府文化局 / 非池中藝術網編輯整理 210